Top 10k strings from Sinclair User - Issue 122 - Great Eight 11 - Tips Amazing (1992)(Sinclair User).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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2 Sinclair User 2 07107711The Ploppy Menu|0|2Pitfighter|2Double Dragon 3|2Final Fight|2Hudson Hawk|2WWF WrestleMania|2Dizzy 5|2Target Renegade|2Robocop|2Inspector Hecti/Inter Change|2LED Storm|2Batman The Movie|2Thunderjaws|2Rick Dangerous 2|2Rainbow Islands|2Robocop 2|2Tai-Chi Tortoise|2Red Heat|2New Zealand Story|2++ Multiface Hacks ++|2** NEXT MENU ** 1 |2Re-run the program|2Return to Main Menu|2Exit to NEW|0- 1 |0|0Copyright 1 packer 1 Utility/Tips 1 Tips.Amaz. 1 Tips Amazing 122 1 This Is A 48k Program 1 Sinclair User - Issue 122 1 SELECT=9010 1 SCROLL=9110 1 SCRL=65024 1 S$="0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,0010,0011,0012,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017,0018,0019,0020,0021,0022": 1 Oh! Hello. I almost forgot the scroller this month. I hope you enjoyed the Robocop 3 demo last month. A bit of a disappointment though, I was hoping to play it. Waiting 5 minutes for it to load just to look at 3 pictures . . I haven't got a clue what is the tape this month . Am I told that, oh no . I haven't even got a subscription (hint hint Garth) . I work for the mag and I still have to go out and buy it 1 Last month SU called me the ice man, listern guys, I can't stand Vanilla Icepudding. At the moment I have The KLF blasting out of my Hi-fi, or if I'm in a bad mood it's Silver Bullet or Public Enemy . . Anyroad, people have their own names, Graham has Turbo, so erm call me erm The Professer . . At the moment I'm sitting in my room looking at the speccy thinking about what I can do next 1 I was designing a main screen but me mouse broke . . On Friday night (14th Feb) Turbo phoned me, he started talking to me saying that TA has to be with him by Tuesday and before I can get a word in he tells me to hurry as his girlfriend is waiting for him (bloody cheek) . . As for games this month not a lot out at the moment, unless you like Dizzy. The only other half decent game is Gauntlet 3. 1 Don't get me wrong, I love Dizzy, it's just a bugger to write stuff for it . . Well it's time to go as it's Monday morning and I want to listern to my new Jah Wobble CD . . If you want to write to me, any cheat etc or your on the rampage for some games the send me your letters to Leigh 'The Professer' Thompson at the usual SU address . . Until next month . . Be excellent to each other 1 DS=DS+SCRL 1 AD=VL+SCRL 1 128.+2.+3 Machines Use 48k Mode 1 11211411WWF WrestleMania|0|0Watch out for the Warlord as|0his special move is the full|0nelson. If he does it on you|0then you lose a lot of energy.|0That's about it as I can't get|0past him. Until WrestleMania 8|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Thunderjaws|0|0On the sea parts go right to|0the bottom of the screen and|0swim non stop to the end. You|0should find nothing touches|0you|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Target Renegade|0|0On the high score table,|0press CAPS SHIFT several time|0for infinite lives|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Tai-Chi Tortoise|0|0Don't waste any big jumps|0as you need them all.|0Melting platforms reappear when|0you push a switch or open a door|0|0Solution Next Month|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Robocop|0|0To become immune let loose|0all of your ammo and punch right|0while crouching when the men|0are shooting at you|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Robocop 2|0|0Redifine your keys as|0M,S,Y,U,L and E. Then hold|0down G,T,I to skip the level|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Rick Dangerous 2|0|0Enter your name as JE VEUX|0VIVRE. (with the full stop)|0for infinite lives|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Red Heat|0|0For a few more lives hold|0down SYMBOL SHIFT and the|0number keys.|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Rainbow Islands|0|0When you reach the bonus stage|0fire rainbows and go up them|0until you get to the top of the|0screen. Keep your joystick pushed|0up and your points will go up|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Pitfighter|0|0Choose the joystick and then|0Buzz, then on all the men just|0put on the autofire and keep the|0joystick pushed in direction of|0the bloke your fighting, even|0when he's on the floor. You will|0always get KOs but you will|0see the not very good end message|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411New Zealand Story|0|0Type in Fluffy on the title|0screen for the cheats and ENTER|0to skip levels|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411LED Storm|0|0Press BREAK twice, restart|0the the game and your score|0will go rockerting up|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Inspector Hecti/Inter Change|0|0LEVEL CODES:|0 1 ICER - 6 RING - 11 GRIM|016 NONE - 21 FOOD - 26 ANEX|031 OPAL - 36 BRIM - 41 MAIM|046 ETCH|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Hudson Hawk|0|0Use the chairs to jump over|0the gaps in the floor|0Beware of the cameras as they|0can kill you. The Sforza horse|0is hidden behind a picture of|0a horse. Just go over it and|0press fire|0|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Final Fight|0|0Yet time for a moan|0After you have taken someone|0out then your bloke will freeze|0so waggle your joystick (oo-er)|0and he should start moving again|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Double Dragon 3|0|0If you do use a coin in the|0shop, then get the special move|0as it is a flying-spin-around-|0kick-everyone-in move which you|0knock out about 2 people (wow)|0|0If you have 2 or 3 people|0in front of you then use the|0the flying kick to knock them all|0out|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Dizzy 5|0|0The fruit laying around gives|0you energy and you can pick|0up the trampoline and move it|0to the over side of the big hole.|0Collect a rock to way you down|0so you can go down the other hole.|0(I've forgotten it's name, it's|0the one where the hot are pushes|0you back up)|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Batman The Movie|0|0Hold down the keys MICK|0to skip the level|0|0Press ENTER 1 07707711The Final|1Menu|0|0Select:-|0- 1 07105611Thank's go to|0|0OCEAN for the games|0Graham for more games|0|0Not alot of games out this month|0just re-releases, so there's a|0bumper crop of recycled stuff|0|0Jon North are you scared|0|1Press ENTER 1 07007711++ MULTIFACE HACKS|0|0If the POKE starts with a 5|0figure number at the beginning|0(eg, 31523,0) then use text|0mode on your multiface. If it's a|04 figure alphanumeric number then|0use hexadecimal mode.|0|0Sorry no time for any this month|0as this has to be sent off in|0about 20 minutes, I'll do some|0next month|0|0Press ENTER 1 05805611Credits Menu|0|0Basic and Design by|0The Professer (That's me)|0Menu code and menu design by|0Rick O'Neill|0|0Copyright 1 ,B,B,B,B,124 1 !TZXed by Andrew Barker 19-07-1999 1 1992|0The Professer (Me again)|0Sinclair User|0Pointy Stick Productions|0|0Use UP and DOWN cursors to select|0with ENTER to choose.|0|1Press ENTER to continue 1 1992|0Leigh Thompson